

  • incredible ★★★★★
    ignore that musiz@ppjunkie punk this is some of that good noize
    By ddiamondds for Version 2.1
  • If you like Industrial, Dark Ambient & TripHop, get this ★★★★★
    This is Dedalus’s posh uncle. And like Dedalus, make sure you run a limiter after it or your ears will pay the price, it can be unwieldy with levels. For best results, turn off or keep the reverb low, the reverb seems to dull & smear the fourier transforming. If using drumloops make sure you have the bpm’s. Do read the manual because it’s not clear what some parameters do. And make sure to exploit the control menu mapping with midi cc, LFOs etc to all the parameters like Hybridization & Envelope. This app gives you amazing amounts of control. Sparkle also does really amazing & eerie vocoding effects similar to those on “Base Metal” by Download.
    By Leestro for Version 2.0.3
  • Thanks for AUV3. ★★★★★
    Only thing I have to say about this, is thanks for finally bringing it into the AUv3 format. ApeSoft is by FAR my favorite music dev for iOS. Trust me, I literally own 95% of their apps (just missing one that isn’t really an instrument but more like an interactive class, so it doesn’t even count that much). I must say you are a genius my friend, I couldn’t be happier than I am thanks to your apps (you have changed dramatically the way I do music, thank you).
    By Enrique Raphaël Page Pérez for Version 2.0.3
  • Great ★★★★★
    Gonna take some time to learn. Different. I haven't heard anything like. Use your own sample or tune up to 320 secs and mix the two (Hybridization). Lots of control and FX. Got very good results just messing around.
    By Ellarex for Version 1.7.4
  • Really nice ★★★★★
    Complex. But musical. I have, I think all the apps this individual made and they are all very cool but in my opinion more on the front of making wicked gnarly noise more than music. The ability to feed a drum loop into the one side then putting a pad or sustained sound into the other essentially cutting and gating into rhythmic bits the pad’s sound even to a designated tempo. (Was that even a sentence?) But isn't this achieved with a vocoder or a nice side chain compressor too? This does it differently. (I think) I am SURE I am only skimming the surface here. This is a nice app that is complex but less complex than some of his other apps. I like it a lot and have spent hours experimenting with just making non-rhythmic sounds hop and skip in time to other more tempo-laden riffs. It’s time well spent! Thank you for your continued creative tools! Additionally: I LIKE your GUI’s still and appreciate minimalist GUI's in general. iPad and iPhone apps have, in my opinion, crossed into the “pro” realm awhile back and I appreciate devs who allow me to not have to be on the most current pad or os to use their software and still get big nice sound.
    By Mo Freeapps for Version 1.7
  • Essestial Experimental ★★★★★
    If youre into IDM or experimental then this along with all of apesofts stuff is essential. Sparkle is great for combining textures and patterns in a uinique way. Great with vocal or other files. Sparke goes great with Nave and Scythe for making something new out of vocals or melodies.
    By One Two1 for Version 1.6.2
  • Truly a phenomenal app ★★★★★
    For sound design this is amazing and unique. If you like creating and experimenting, tinkering around with sounds you can't go wrong with this app. Just like it says " creates high-quality sound transformations. The more you play with this the more you'll see you can do and the more valuable a tool you'll realize it is. Beautiful job they've done on this app.
    By App I've seen for Version 1.5
  • Another Great from the Ape ★★★★★
    I own all but one app from this company and I've yet to be disappointed. I love sound design and do a good amount of work using modular synths. I rarely ever use the iPad or apps to make music but Ape Soft has some well thought out apps that are truly top notch. The sounds that com out of Sparkle are absolutely stunning in. This is a dream for sound design and experimentation. I dump my own samples into it and toy around and usually come out with more great sounding samples. Amazing.
    By Me knows for Version 1.5
  • Cross Synthesis for the win ★★★★★
    The only Cross Synthesis tool for IOS. Fortunately it was created by ApeSoft, so even if there were ten this is the one you'd buy.
    By Cianoc123 for Version 1.5
  • Great as always ★★★★★
    It's Apesoft, so you either love it or you don't. App does exactly what's in the description and it sounds wonderful. If you are a fan of mangling sounds to create soundscapes or ethereal grooves, or if you just like exploring sound design, this is a must have. There's a slight learning curve. Tip: the interaction between the Denoise, envelope, and formant movement sliders is where a lot of the juice comes from. Don't ignore those.
    By Leom187 for Version 1.3.4


Sparkle is a tool for advanced spectral hybridizations made of several algorithms that operate on frequency domain. By means of envelope preservation and phase-sync processing it can creates high-quality sound transformations. The basic idea is to transfer the temporal structure of a sound (source) onto another sound (target) of which the spectral properties are preserved. Simply put, you can take a voice and make it sing a Beethoven’s symphony!

Release Notes

Maintenance Updates
Latest iOS SDK Update
Fixed an issue causing the app to crash when double tap two knobs together
Compatibility with Apple Silicon Macs

App Details

  • Version 2.4
  • Created by apeSoft
  • Sold by Alessandro Petrolati
  • Released on December 23, 2014
  • File Size: 35 MB
  • Price: $7.99
  • universal This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad